Monday, April 11, 2011

Green & Clean Week 2

So continuing from Green & Clean Week 1 . . .

Green Alternative to Dryer Sheets
 Dryer Balls are a great alternative to fabric softener or Dryer Sheets.  

I purchased 5 Naturally FUNKies (100% wool) from Bouncing Woolies in January to check and see what the hype was really about.  BW recommends ordering at least 4 if you are looking to see a difference in your utility bill.  Did I see it? With a household of 6, already washing in cold water, I didn't think I would see a savings.  
The next month bill came and we were surprisingly $15 less than the month before - and every month since then! According to BW "using 4 woolies in your dryer can lessen drying time of a large load up to an average of 15% and 30-40% off your small loads."  BW offers a great selection of fragrance & essential oils so you won't miss a thing.  If you are interested in trying out dryer balls for yourself, Bouncing Woolies has given us a 10% off coupon to share with you! The link to her store & coupon is at the bottom of the post! Enjoy!

Fabric Softeners

Mildly going green....  I personally choose to forego scenting my dryer balls because I do use the fabric softener from our store. Our Fabric softener has No phosphates or other unpleasant ingredients that could harm the environment (made from natural & biodegradable ingredients), safe for all washers including HE, works great in cold water, and dermatologist tested.  All in all another great Legacy of Clean™ product.  The fragrance from the essential oils carries over to the dryer and after the dryer balls have had their chance at the laundry - I have a light, clean & refreshing scent.  

If you are interested in a chance to win a new washer & dryer from Sears, don't forget to check my "Yikes" blog post for details in the giveaway ending April 30th at midnight.  My favorite things about our Liquid Organic Cleaners (& in particular our laundry products) is that I have rarely ever seen these products out of stock, I can personally schedule & customize them on my autoship (Ditto), and they are delivered within 3-8 business days. 

Greener. . .  IF on the other hand you would like to try your hand at a Do It Yourself, here are a couple of favorite home remedies;
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of Vinegar (the vinegar smell does wash out & the clothes do soften - Personally checked out)
Tea leaves in satchels & essential oils - Have not Personally tried.

I have to admit I am fairly lazy or sometimes too busy to make my own soap ~ but I don't mind sharing the "How to", sometimes I even forget to put the fabric softener in the wash.  The dryer balls keep the clothes cling-free and I realize I "forgot" my softener when I pull out the clothes and the "scent" is missing. 

More ways to be Green . . .  Consider putting up a dryer line in your backyard. I am actually looking forward to this in the near future : ) But to be honest, I won't be getting rid of the dryer either...  ; )

 Now for the Good Stuff....
Bouncing Woolies has given us a 10% off coupon to share with you! 
Here is the link to her store & the coupon code is BWearth - Code is good until April 30th!
(Excludes Laundry Soap)

Purchase a Legacy of Clean™ Intro Bundle 
(from me or my team by April 29th)
get 2 Free Naturally FUNKies Dryer Balls.
(will Ship separately)

I also have one more goody for you, 
who is offering a Coconut Lime Bar to a lucky fan/ follower. 

For a chance to win;
* Like Win Key Solutions on Facebook 
(Comment below that you "liked" the page) *
* Follow Win Key Solutions Blog 
(Comment below What product you would like to try?)
(Current # of GFC followers 144)*
* Like The Cupertino Soap Company on Facebook 
(Comment below that you "liked" the page) *
* Follow The Cupertino Soap Company's  Blog 
(Comment below What product you would like to try )*

Each action counts as an entry 
Make a product purchase - 2 entries per item
(comment w/ your email, Cupertino Soap Company or Win Key Solutions, & # of items & we will verify by ordering email)

(Winners will be announced  April 18th, next Monday)

*I will be using your comments to help pick out my Mother & Father Day giveaways in May & June*

Check back Next Monday for our Earth Day Giveaway . . .


  1. I am a new follower from the Tuesday blog hop. It would just make my day if you came by to follow me too - I'll be doing a very special giveaway once I make it to 200 followers!

  2. Not sure if I understood the give I liked both the Win key page (didn't know you had one) :) and the Cupertino soap page. I love this article. I have been debating getting the BW dryer balls. I will definitely be planning on it now :) thank you for the great review. :0)


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