Monday, April 4, 2011

Green & Clean Week 1

Here is a collection of blog posts & websites with some awesome info to start off our Earth Awareness Month.
(If you have used any of these suggestions or have some of your own - please share!)

Household Remedies & Tips;

~Who would have thought that  Dryer Lint was possibly more than a nuisance?
*As for me & my house I think our next batch of lint is going towards a future Cub Scout activity... and maybe some for the compost pile we just started...*

~Want some tips on saving energy when running your dryer? Wash the filter out with hot soapy water and an old toothbrush at least once to 2 times a year.
Don't forget to wipe the Thermostat or moisture sensor for to avoid running the dryer longer than it needs to. Try switching to the gentle cycle (uses less energy) & throw in some dryer balls for extra savings!  If you have the space - consider drying the clothes on the line & pocket the change!

~Frugal uses for Coffee filters from Econobusters

Friendly Insecticides;

~Household Ant killer
 In general cleaning regularly with a strong cleaner like vinegar or even one of our Liquid Organic Cleaners or L.O.C. products (which contains citrus) will do the job. I have also heard that you can also mix a spray with Orange Oil or Peppermint Oil as both are considered neuro toxins to them. In some cases insects exoskeltons are sensitive to citric acids and some essential oils ... Which may be why the Vinegar & L.O.C. have both been effective.  In my experience this works best when after your regular style of cleaning you spray the edges (like the baseboard or door frames) and you leave it to dry.

~What about Ant Piles?
Boil water & pour onto Ant pile - but becareful when near flowerbeds & gardens as I hear this may effect them as well.

Pour Grits on the ant pile ( apparently they will expand, similar to birds ingesting rice) this methods takes about a week.

Plant a Victory Organic Garden;
What is a Victory Garden? Follow this link to understand the history & why we should be planting Victory Gardens now.

Looking for a soil-less gardening solution? Check out these affordable hydroponic gardening kits

~Earth Friendly pest Control ~ Consider planting garlic, chives, & marigolds!

Green Eats;
Check out this blogger from Austin, TX who shares what she gets in her weekly local box & what she does with it (Don't forget to check out the tips on how to eat locally);

A Greenling Blog

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